Devlog Nº1

Hello and welcome to our first Devlog.

I'm Erick, part from our team calle 4LH and I'll be the one that'll write all the Devlogs for our game :).

On this first iteration we'll add the GDD of our game (actually is not a real GDD, like one you should do for a real project but a document that more or less summarizes our game and the first prototype of it.

Also, Luis and Osvaldo are working on some concepts for our bees and the character that will command them on the game , The Queen.

95% of the Prototype was made by Susana and I helped her a little when she found some errors that made the game stop working.

The idea for this assingment was create a game that also could start a franchise, so we tried to create characters that can be easily recognizable, likeable and can be used in different kind of products, more or less like what Rovio did with Angry Birds.

And that is what we did for now, we worked a lot but everyting we did is written on the GDD so if you want mor details you can download it and also you can try the prototype and see how is looking for now.  Next Devlog will be more detailed.

Thanks for reading and see you next time :).

Get Travelling Bees

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