Devlog N°6 "Final Devlog"

And we have finally arrived to the last Devlog for our project.

Now the project is complete and fully functional. It has 6 different levels that are divided on 3 easy/2 Normals/ 1 Hard. Each level has a corresponding amount of bees and cells, flowers and how fast the obstacles move on the screen. We decided on 3 different colours for the cells and flowers, purple, orange and yellow, that have to be filled with their corresponding honey colour that comes from the flowers with that colour (purple cell filled with purple honey that comes from the purple flower).  All music and sounds are implemented. Also, we added a little bit of dialogue to contextualize the game and why our little friends have to go look for the sweet honey.

We are super proud of what we did and how it turned out, but personally I want to give my love to Susana, Osvaldo and Luis because I'm pretty sure I would've been a total mess if I wasn't working with them. Also a little bit sad because this will be the last project that we will work together because Susana will drop college. We wish the best of futures to her and that she finds work on the videogame world like she wants to.

With this, and with the final demo of the game uploaded, we say thank you very much to all the people that stopped to read this devlogs and that played/plays/will play our game. We hope you playing it as much as we liked making it. 

Thank you very much and see you next time :).


Demo Abejas Full Levels.rar 111 MB
Dec 14, 2018

Get Travelling Bees

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