Devlog Nº4

Hello people and welcome to our Devlog Nº4 :D

This time we made some more concepts, some adjustments to the prototype and started the desing for the levels.

Osvaldo made a concept of how the upper side of the screen woul look like, were the bees get the honey from the flowers, and this is more or less how it would look

To this we are looking if we can add an eyefish effect to the screen. It actually looks pretty cool but we aren't sure if there's a way to do it without paying for Unity Pro so we are still working on it.

We also discussed level design: difficult of the levels and how we will build the honeycomb. The difficulty of the game is controlled by 4 variables: quantity of bees, speed of the obstacles, quantity and how many flowers and cells of different colours are on the level. Also, we decided to build 6 levels at least, 3 easy/2 normal/ 1 hard, where each level will have different figures build by the position of the cells, so we'll arrange them to create things like cicles or triangles at the beginning, and then some thing a little bit more complicated for the other levels and if we have time, we'll try to make something more different like a flower or something like that.

And that's more or less what we did today, it doesn't seem like is a lot but the discussion for the level design wass kinda long so that took the biggest part of our day. Thank you for reading and see you in our next Devlog :)

Get Travelling Bees

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