Devlog Nº3

Hello again and welcome to our third Devlog.

Susana finally finished a full prototype of the game and it feels amazing. The bees go to the flowers, collect honey, deposit the honey on the honeycomb and the go back to their initial position. Also, there are obstacle in between that kill our dear workers if the collide with them. 

Luis finished a concept for the workers and they look as impressive as the Queen, and adorable too.

I found asome songs that I think and hope go with the tone and the theme of the game, I'm still not sure but we are using music without copyright that we find on youtube. Sadly any of use knows how to make some good music so we try to work with that we have, and find. Also, I found some fonts on to use with our game and some of them look pretty good, now we need to try them on the game and some of them togheter to see if they fit or if they look good displayed at the same time.

Finally, Osvaldo made a pretty good example of how the game would look, with perspective and everything and holy moly I'm hyped for this game now.

And that's it for this time. The good thing for now is that with the prototype we more or less have the full game, now we just need to think some levels, and start with the sprites of the game.

Thank you for reading and see you on the next Devlog :).

Get Travelling Bees

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